My Very First Post
Today is both my 25th birthday and the day that I’m actually going to post my first post.
See, I’ve wanted to make a blog for a few years now, but there’s a part of myself that won’t let me 😬 It tells me that I need to increase accessibility, finish the mobile experience, make it less flashy or more fun to use, don’t forget to think through scaling the blog, oh SEO is a thing, and on and on. The result is that I never actually finish. I’ll finally start something, get about halfway through it, and then the death spiral starts.
Today, though, I am posting this post. I’m using the default Vercel/Astro Blog template to get it up and running. Over the years, I will continue to refine and refactor this blog to be what I want it to be. I’ll include you on the journey should you wish to join me 😳 Right now though, the only goal is to get something up and running. Just start.
I owe a huge debt to “dev-ucators” like Josh W Comeau, Fireship, and Travis Nelson (Back when he ran DevTips). On my journey into the depths of web development, these individuals really helped me wrap my head around different aspects of web development, inspired me to build cool things, and helped me realize how special it is to be in this field.
I want to create my own little corner of the web to help others in their journey. I want to document and break down some of the things that I’ve built and help others feel empowered to get started in this field, as well as just showing off some cool stuff!
Well, I think that’s enough ranting for my first post 😥 I hope you enjoy this blog and stick around to see what comes next!
Cheers, Jonathan